drinks, fun, and poetry
my friends birgit, babs and andi came over last night for food (baked potatoes with two different fillings), sepp's legendary mulled wine (the first of the season, and yummy as usual), some more drinks after that (of course), and games. about ten minutes after everyone was here, i thought i'd die laughing. for a while, simply everything was funny. like andi saying "see-HUND!" (ie seal) in a funny voice. (oh it was a funny voice, andi, stop arguing with me ...)
so yes, we had a good time. i got some nice presents too - *hugs* to b&a, and birgit! we stuffed ourselves on healthy food like chocolate, and crisps, and more chocolate while playing "nobody is perfect" (i won! oh and how i won! *L*), "zoff im zoo", and "outburst!" birgit left at midnight, but babs and andi (who live close by) didn't start saying goodnight until 2 a.m, and they left nearly half an hour later.
here are some pics:
babs and the bounty monster
birgit and the largest mug in the house
andi, creator of the weisswedelhirsch (don't ask for a translation)
ever seen me think that hard before?
is babs trying to find her nose? or beckoning like some witch?
one of us is either having more fun, or has had more to drink
* * * * *
round 9 of 30/30:
the titles so far:
poem 01 - Letter #9 (Your letter fell from a blue sky, so unbidden)the collaboration, as you can see, is progressing. i am loving it. the character is taking shape in my head, a little more every day. and i am just happy that alex asked me to do this with him. his feedback has been more than lovely, too. :)
poem 02 - report with obsolete meaning
poem 03 - Letter #5 (You would have loved this sky: After dawn, a big paint brush)
poem 04 - Letter #3 (My dreams of Italy could fill a hundred cathedrals with shapes of campanili)
poem 05 - Letter #4 (Yesterday the sun rose at 6.24. I carried its heat within me all day)
poem 06 - Letter #8 (What is it about me that reminds you of black and white movies)
poem 07 - Silly sonnenizio for my second spouse
poem 08 - Letter #11 (I am no longer renaming streets for what we brought to them)
poem 09 - Letter #4a (What if? What if this is part of my truth? An ounce)
poem 10 - Letter #6 (Vienna is quiet again after the common Christmas frenzy)
song of the day: the dirt is your lover now by thea gilmore.
hey happy birthday!
This sure looks like a good time. Happy, happy. Best.
thank you sarah & sam! :)
so are you scorpio or sagitarrius? this is very important.
scorpio of course! heart & soul. :) oh, body too.
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