another year over ...
... to quote mr john lennon. and no. no i won't say it. i won't chime in. no way. i'm not going to say that i cannot believe another year has come and gone. i'm not one of those lamenting the passing of time in a flash. no. nor will i breathe a word about getting old. instead i'll mention a few of the good things about 2005, inspired by bo's best of list which i promised to reply to and "imitate".
so. i am sure i am not thinking of everything i read and saw and heard this year, but here goes:
best films this year: closer, million dollar baby, mar adentro (the sea inside), sideways, så som i himmelen (as it is in heaven), the life aquatic with steve zissou, broken flowers
most wonderful musical discoveries (not necessarily new stuff, but new to me): richard hawley, martha wainwright, lucky jim, madrugada, goldfrapp, the walkabouts, kaizer's orchestra, ed harcourt, holly golightly, britta phillips & dean wareham
best albums: richard hawley - coles corner, franz ferdinand - you could have it so much better, element of crime - mittelpunkt der welt, martha wainwright - martha wainwright, lucky jim - our troubles end tonight, the walkabouts - acetylene
best concerts: kaizer's orchestra, adam green, tori amos in london; and the performance by attwenger at the donauinselfest
best books i read this year: jasper fforde's thursday next series, dan brown - the da vinci code, terry pratchett - soul music, arlene ang - the desecration of doves (poetry)
bestest game: älgar!
most memorable days: holding my first chapbook in my hands, hiking in abisko np (sweden), hiking on kvaløy and fjellheisen (tromsø, norway), gudrun and harald's "second" wedding (church) incl baptism of their little simon, the return of my muse *S*, having a tooth extracted (very painfully)
and here are some pics taken on our balcony this morning. enjoy.
duck, up to the neck in it!
not much need for water
where have all the flowers gone?
snow shoe
no smoke, no fire
have a happy, healthy, sparkling, sun-filled, fun-filled, successful, fabulous new year everyone. :)
oh and song of the day (besides abba's happy new year): GPT by martha wainwright.