it pays off to be dirty
can a monday start any better than with a note like this?
Every once in a while, I get a grouping of poems that just go together. I like all of these and would like to use them all as one posting -- probably within the next few weeks.the note is from clean sheets poetry editor devan macduff. i sent the submission on 29 october, which means the response time was only 2 weeks. i'll let you know when my five poems are, um, *up*. *wink*
so, you see, all the naughtiness at the ITWS forum was a goooood thing, and a big thank you to my partners in crime (you know who you are)! btw - two of the poems are reports. :)
and and and! the masochistic mr mcclain has honoured me with a sonnenizio on a line from my sonnet Desperate Times, Desperate Measures, recently published in (the poetry)worm. thank you!
the letters collaboration is going well; i am very pleased with what i have written so far, and i am enjoying it tremendously. i'm working on the sixth letter already. this collaboration has come at the perfect moment, as i was already warmed up, and i can handle the challenge. i'll keep you posted.
song of the day: in the air tonight by holly mcnarland.
Congrats Michi!
Every time I check your blog, you're getting published again! It's so wonderful that your all your hard work in those 30/30's is being rewarded.
Bravo on the Clean sheets hit, Michi! They're a toughie to crack.
Are you coming to the next open mike at Kafka?
lauren - thank you! :) i finally received this summer's pebble lake review with your poem in it - congrats again!
sylvia - thank you for stopping by. i am thinking about going to the open mic, yes. are you going? i could not make it last time as i was down with a cold. were you there?
I went last time and read a few poems. It was a good evening with a guest reader from India. I've got two left that I want to read next time. Then I'll have to follow your example and write more. Hope to see you there.
The letters' collaboration is such an interesting project.
Good for you with more published poems.
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