Friday, April 27, 2007

a birthday blog and a poem

happy birthday, here and now! allen itz is celebrating his blog's first birthday, and lots of his readers/contributors have brought presents. allen has kindly asked me for a contribution, and since i could not make up my mind whether to send a photo or a poem, i sent a haiga. if only all decisions were so easy ...

and here's a new poem of mine:

you've been flirting again
........-- bjørk

you've unbuttoned.....your mouth
your tongue.....has gone walkabout

and your white with
.....afterglow rolling in heather tumbleweed love

in your glance.....the skeleton
.....of illicit dreams.....

.....all salt and thorns
the mad fever.....of a setting sun

in your hair.....the smell
.....of sugar rush

you stumble..... through sentences
with the slipshod language..... of desire

your jeans cling to.....secrets
on your must have left

a heart open..... wider than a fish sudden death

song of the day: you've been flirting again by bjork.

1 comment:

Rachel Mallino said...


Great poem!! I enjoyed it muchly. Now for a second read....