Saturday, January 27, 2007

another 20 poems

still writing every day - here are the latest 20 titles:

day 121 - how to find a portal to her room
day 122 - krypton (kr) - left of rao, two minutes to midnight
day 123 - The Girl With the Purple Cloak Appears in Another Dream (Sonnenizio on a Line from Jarman)
day 124 - The Man With the Bucket Walks the Streets Again (Sonnenizio on a Line from Jarman)
day 125 - afterwards (fib)
day 126 - affair, interrupted (fib)
day 127 - love, discarded (fib)
day 128 - picking up pieces (fib)
day 129 - Meet Mr. Johnson
day 130 - Before Sleep (Sonnenizio on a Line from McClain)
day 131 - The Black-Haired Girl Doesn't Like Being Watched When Drinking (Sonnenizio on a Line from Jarman)
day 132 - to forget him (fib)
day 133 - classic (fib)
day 134 - going the distance, part i (abecedarian)
day 135 - going the distance, part ii (abecedarian)
day 136 - the art of letting go
day 137 - Meet My Bucket
day 138 - Lush (Sonnenizio on a Line from Jarman )
day 139 - The day I fell in love with a magnetic field
day 140 - Niobium (Nb) - Niobe's Loss

song of the day: i love you by the pipettes.

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