Tuesday, June 27, 2006

thunder, lightning, and RAIN!

i KNOW it's the second post of the day - but ahhh! what relief! finally some rain, and a really long and wonderful thunderstorm. i was talking to my dad (whom i REALLY envied today when he said he had been on some mountain this afternoon and rested amid a sea of koch's gentians, with the sun shining, and cowbells tinkling) on the phone saying "doesn't look like we'll get the predicted thunderstorm tonight either", when lightning flashed across the sky in the east. dark clouds moved in from all sides, the breeze changed into a storm, and pretty soon we had a massive downpour, lots of gorgeous lightning, and some noise too. i watched it for about an hour. tried to take pictures, but only got two worth posting:

i should have turned a little right - this way, i only just caught the flash of lightning.

yes, this was taken at night, around 9.40pm when it was really pitch dark outside - amazing, isn't it, how bright it gets when lightning flashes! this is towards the east, the storm moved there, right across vienna.

it's cooled down, it is a joy to go outside and BREATHE! it's still raining, so i hope to sleep better tonight. ah - more thunder, another flash of lightning, perhaps it's coming back!


Cheryl and Janet Snell said...

We just had the dreaded "hundred year's flood" in DC. Sweeping mud from the basement is no fun, but ar least the car didn't go on a joyride all by itself.

Shelley said...

Okay, it's my birthday, so I treated myself to feeding the poem title generator... (answers in original comment thread and cross-posted at my blog)... standing by...

Also, for those dealing w/ flooding, my sestina on the subject is here.

Finally, look at this great present I got! Wow.

Very lucky girl, I am.

Arlene said...

rain!!! want some, too! it rained a few drops here this morning... but nothing after that. can't take the heat anymore.... **oudyzloudyzl**


Rachel Mallino said...

Love that bottom pic, Michi. It's been cloudy and rainy in S. Florida for days, but today is looking bright and the birds are chirping loudly.

Liadra said...

Wow, that second photo is just something else - amazing that you caught it.